a little about me
hannah moore
My name is Hannah and I’m a web developer/designer. I have a background in computer science and digital arts and a passion for design.
when it comes to marketing your business, having a strong online presence is critical. No matter if you’re a new business owner, a newcomer to the online world, or you’re just looking for a refresh, this is the right place!
how i can help.
I provide a range of web design services. Services include:
- Build a new website
- redesign an existing website
- maintain your website long-term
- create Your logo
- Create Printable Flyers and business cards
- create online ads for social media posts
Don’t see what you need? Please feel free to contact me as I‘d love to assist in anyway I can!
your life made easier.
Bring more business to your company without you having to do anything!
Your website is a terrific tool for marketing to the largest possible audience.
Using my expertise in website design, I can ensure your website is professional, user-friendly, and responsive on all devices, which will allow potential customers to learn about your business and easily schedule an appointment.
1-On-1 Conversations
Your website is the center of your digital ecosystem, like a brick and mortar location, the experience matters once a customer enters, just as much as the perception they have of you before they walk through the door..
- Leland Dieno
my work
Hear what others have to say...
Hear it from others:
”Hannah was a pleasure to work with! We spoke on our needs and she exceeded our expectations, highly recommended Hannah for your next project!”
Melanie DiMartino
Assistant Vice President at Discover Claims
”the powerhouse.. new things don’t intimidate her, she dives into everything available!”
townsquare interactive web support team lead
”She pulled in creativity, color, movement and really created a page and banner that hit exactly what vibe the client is going for. A daily deals page can be boring, but she really took this one and made it a page that catches attention”